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What are the most commonly used industrial machining processes?


Machining is a term used to describe a variety of processes in which a cutting tool removes unwanted material from a part to produce a specific shape or surface.

The industrial sector without a doubt uses the most workshop machined parts, particularly in manufacturing production and mechanical equipment. Shafts and gears are just a few examples of parts commonly used in this sector and produced using a variety of machining techniques.

Here is an overview of the most common industrial machining processes.

Turning, ideal for machining cylindrical workpieces

Turning is probably the most common industrial machining process used to produce parts for the industrial sector. During this process, the workpiece rotates at high speed while a cutting tool with a sharp edge gradually advances while removing layers of material.

Turning is carried out on a lathe and makes it possible to produce cylindrical parts that can have external or internal features. Turning operations such as boring and threading are used to machine a wide variety of components, including grooves, cones, threads, flat surfaces and complex contours.

Milling, useful for a number of machining operations

Milling is a process that uses rotary cutters to remove material. A milling machine is equipped with a movable table where the material is mounted. On most milling machines, the cutting tools are stationary and the table moves the material so that the desired cuts can be made.

Some of the operations that a milling machine is capable of performing include planing, cutting, rebating and milling, making the milling machine one of the most versatile pieces of equipment in a machine shop.

Drilling, for drilling very precise holes

Drilling is when cylindrical holes are produced in a piece of solid material using a drill bit. It is one of the most important precision industrial machining processes, since the holes drilled are often designed to facilitate assembly. A column drill is typically used to ensure stability and accuracy.

The drills used are equipped with two spiral channels that run up the length of the drill. Called “grooves”, these transport the material chips out of the hole as the drill progresses through the workpiece.  For each type of material, there is a drilling speed that only machining specialists are familiar with and have mastered.

These techniques are only perfectly mastered by machining professionals

In conclusion, even if these few machining processes are the most commonly used in the industrial sector, several other industrial machining techniques can still be used to manufacture mechanical parts of various shapes and sizes.

If you are looking for a company that combines advanced technologies and expertise to machine your gears or other mechanical parts, contact Braidwood Industries Ltd. Our team has perfect mastery of each of the machining techniques presented above, as well as a host of other techniques that can be used to create parts with unbeatable accuracy!

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